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Warrantee Info

All products sold by Kulkarni Power Tools Limited, KPT in short, are under a warranty for a maximum six months from the date of purchase. The warranty is against only for defective or damaged parts. KPT will repair products for free if the operator finds any defect in the design, material or workmanship, while operating the tool. Claim against this warranty can be made, provided:

One can return the product to KPT Sales & Service Center OR its Authorized Service Center at the purchaser's cost, along with the proof of purchase date and warranty card.

It is only for those who have purchase tool for their own use, not for commercial purpose.
The tool has not been used in a wrong way or has not been incautiously handled or consciously damaged or damaged because of an accident.

The tool has been operated and cared for according to the the instructions in the maintenance manual.

The tool has not been prior repaired by person other than service staff of Kulkarni Power Tools Limited / Authorized Service Center.

This Warranty DOES NOT apply to -

All normal parts' wear and tear, for instance carbon brushes, armatures with heavy commutator wear, bearings, chucks / o-rings / seals / keys / electronic components, lubricants, to name a few.
Any spare parts that are not genuine observed at the time of repair.

All accessories as well as attachments offered with tool.

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KPT INDUSTRIES LIMITED सर्वाधिकार सुरक्षित.(उपयोग की शर्तें)
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